Flex To Launch

A free and innovative educational program for young people looking to upgrade their skills

Flex to Launch is a free and innovative new program designed to help young people learn important new skills that will help them advance in life. It covers the basics: education, finding and getting a job, successful networking, communication skills, and other key competencies.

Originally designed to help young Black men, the program was successfully delivered in Winter 2023. After considering feedback, the course is now open to all people aged 18-25 of any gender and ethnicity.

The program is offered in two formats.

First, it can be delivered as a twelve-week online course, meeting once a week for 45-60 minutes and includes one-on-one mentorship from the course educators. The course curriculum can be seen here.

Second, it can be delivered in-person as a one-day intensive workshop, with optional on-line follow-up sessions for eager participants. The workshop schedule can be seen here.

We are currently looking to hold the full course or intensive workshop at community venues in Canada in 2023-2024. As such, we are looking to partner with organizations including educational providers, non-profits, mental health services, faith-based organizations and other community groups who feel the course would benefit the people they serve. Please reach out if you would like us to implement the program in partnership with your organization.

Inquiry form

Are you interested in partnering with the team, or learning more about the program? Please drop us as line and we will get back to you:


The course secretary and contact person is Karen, who can be contacted at 514 761 6131 ext 3436, or via email at flextolaunch@gmail.com.

Anyone interested in partnering with the team or learning more should contact Karen for further information, or fill in the inquiry form.