The project in the media

The project has been featured in a variety of national and local media. Media articles about the project can be read by clicking on the hyperlinks below:

Global News- Montreal initiative aims to help Black youth find path to success

Flex to launch is a Montreal pilot project to help young Black men find their path while addressing the gaps often found in the education and career development of black youth… continue reading here

La Presse- Un programme de mentorat pour aider les jeunes hommes noirs à réussir

Financé par le gouvernement fédéral, le projet « Flex to Launch » vise à inculquer des compétences de base à de jeunes hommes noirs âgés de 18 à 28 ans... continue reading here

The Suburban- McGill researcher’s program aims to help marginalized young Black men to succeed

The Flex2Launch program hopes to tackle a phenomenon than can eventually contribute to marginalization, poverty, isolation, and mental health issues… continue reading here

Montreal Gazette- A Montreal pilot program will help young Black men 'flex to launch'

Flex to Launch is an education course for young Black men between the ages of 18 and 28 specializing in such life skills as how to write a CV and a professional email, how to deal with interviews and rejection… continue reading here

Montreal Community Contact- Flex To Launch’ offers a hand up

Young Black men are over-represented among disadvantaged groups… continue reading here

Montreal Gazette- Opinion: Addressing 'failure to launch' should be a societal priority

Affected young men are typically unemployed, living with their parents and out of the educational system — leaving them bereft... continue reading here

Psychology Today- Failure to Launch in Young Black Men

Innovative programs are needed to help young Black men launch into adulthood… continue reading here